Thursday, August 6, 2009

Kevin Smith: New Jersey Hot Spots

As I stated in my previous blog, I had the pleasure of visiting the Garden State (good movie) this past weekend, and in doing so, I was able to visit a few of the coolest places in town...the famous Kevin Smith spots.

Now, if you're not familiar with who Kevin Smith is...look it up online right now and then go immediately to Blockbuster or your DVD rental venue of choice, and begin watching all of his works. For those of you in the know, this should be quite a treat, I know it was for me.

We first stopped off at Jay & Silent Bob's Secret Stash.

35 Broad St
Red Bank, NJ 07701
(732) 758-0508

This is just the coolest store I have been in. If you're a fan, you'll know what I mean. Memorabilia EVERYWHERE. There were statues, posters, videos, comic books, movie props, etc. Below are just a few of the pictures I snapped:

After the store, we crossed the street to Jack's Music Store, the CD and record shop found in the movie 'Chasing Amy.' It's a great store to go in on Broad St even if you aren't familiar with Kevin Smith or his movies. If you are, these next shots will please you.

Right next door to Jack's is the doorway found in 'Chasing Amy' where Ben Affleck and Jason Lee sat. I managed to snapshot myself there as well!

And finally, what New Jersey trip wouldn't be complete without the Quick Stop?

58 Leonard Ave
Leonardo, NJ 07737
(732) 291-9635

That's right, I even got to go inside and buy something. It is exactly the same...only not in black and white.

So if you get a chance to go to New Jersey, make sure you stop off on Broad St for Kevin Smith's store and the music shop across the street, and do not leave before entering the Quick Stop. I had a blast and you will too.

SIDE NOTE: The diner from 'Chasing Amy,' up the road from the Quick Stop, has been remodeled and looks nothing like it did in the movie. But I hear the food is nice...

All Points West Music & Art Festival

I had the privelage of attending this year's All Points West Music & Art Festival in Jersey City, NJ at the Liberty State Park and let me just This was, by far, the most amazing concert I have been to in years. Never, have I ever, experienced an event so alive and so fierce. Not just a concert but a complete overload on the senses, all of them.

I only attended one day, the festival itself stretched out over a period of three days, July 31st - August 2nd. I chose August 1st as that was the day TOOL was headlining. Before I get to just how amazing they were, I want to stress how completely phenomenal the entire day was. First, we got there and walked through the entire field, there were a total of three main stages for all of the bands to play and play they did. Non-stop action is really the only way to describe what took place on those stages.

We had VIP tickets and were able to bypass the annoying "Beer Gardens" in which you purchase your beer in a tent that you cannot leave until you have finished said beer. There was also an air conditioned tent with big screen TVs, video games, catered food, and plenty of comfortable seating for us. I felt spoiled and before I move on I have to thank my boyfriend who made the entire weekend (trip into NYC, site seeing Kevin Smith spots in NJ, and Festival) possible.

As if that weren't enough, VIP also came with seating in bleachers so you did not have to pack yourself into the crowd like sardines, which, for me, is very beneficial as I am short and would have not been able to see the stage for trying...this is what the crowd looked like once TOOL made their way to stage:

TOOL was amazing, to say the very least. They rocked the entire crowd and gave everyone their money's worth. Just to see TOOL is a treat in itself but at a festival like this? Hands down, best concert I have attended.

Will I do it next year? One can only hope!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Discovery Day Cruise

Recently I had the opportunity to embark on a crazy adventure with my significant other to the Bahamas for his birthday. I can't even begin to tell you about the phenomenal time we had but I'll try. We arrived at Port Everglades at 6AM on Sunday morning after staying in the Hilton, located in the Fort Lauderdale Marina and enjoying the glorious 4th of July fireworks from the night before. Even though we only planned to venture into the Bahamas for a day we still had to go through the strenuous paperwork and customs frisking.

***Note to the wise: Complete as much paperwork as you can online first and bring it with you for this part, it will help to expedite the amount of time you spend trying to board the ship!***

Once finished we were able to join our fellow cruise goers on the ship to enjoy a Champagne Breakfast (a very worth it upgrade, if you ask me). If you do not select the Champagne Breakfast you can join the rest of the passengers for a buffet style breakfast instead.

The ship experience was absolutely wonderful and gorgeous to say the least. The waters were a beautiful cobalt blue and the ship's activities left nothing to be desired. All that you wanted/needed was right there at your fingertips. They had casinos, game rooms, a pool, tanning areas, plenty of bars (both liquor and snack), and so much more.

If you are enjoying the day cruise be sure to sign up for the Beach and Shopping Tour. This was an absolute dream for us as we were guided to a beautiful, private beach where we enjoyed a gourmet lunch and a walk in the water and finally to the Freeport Port Lucaya Marketplace for shopping. If ever there make sure you find the two separate stands that serve Conch Salad and Gully Washes. Trust me, you will regret it if you don't!

We had plenty of time to enjoy ourselves, our only wish was to stay the night but sadly we had to board the ship again. The Gourmet Dinner is another well worthy upgrade, should you choose to go that route, otherwise a buffet dinner is available to you as well. All in all, the trip was a blast and, are you ready for the kicker? YOU CRUISE FREE ON YOUR BIRTHDAY MONTH!

That's right, if you're birthday falls in July, all you have to pay for are the port fees! Not bad for a day in the Bahamas if you ask me! I highly recommend this trip to anyone thinking about going. Book your trip today!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Earthday Birthday: Sweet 16

This year's Earthday Birthday, hosted by 101.1 WJRR, was absolutely fantastic. It wasn't too crowded, the line up turned out to be pretty damn awesome, and all in all, they had a system for beer that made it so you didn't have to worry with cash all day long.

The line up went as follows:

  • Pop Evil
  • All That Remains
  • COLD
  • (hed)p.e.
  • Candlebox
  • StaticX
  • Chevelle
  • 311

Out of those bands the ones that stuck most in my mind were All That Remains, COLD, (hed)p.e., Candlebox, Chevelle, and 311. It was a great show all around. COLD didn't play a long set which was kind of dissapointing since my main reason for attending the show that day was them...I thought they were broken up!

The "no cash system" I referred to earlier consisted of you purchasing tickets for food and drinks ahead of time and then using said tickets at all beverage and food stands throughout the fields. The fields, Tinker and Thunder, were split up by stage. Tinker field was reserved for stage 1 which consisted of the aforementioned bands. Thunder field was reserved for stage 2 which consisted of the local bands who were lucky enough to get spots at this event.

In between fields were various booths, mostly sporting bongs and bowls of all kinds but one of which I found my heart falling on which can only be summed up in three words: I Heart Vagina. For as long as I could I sported a bumper sticker with this mantra on it. If you feel so inclined check out their site at

All in all it was a good night...aside from the obvious bathroom issue which we all have at these types of events. Well, if you're a female anyway. Which brings me to a very good question I'd like for someone to one day answer: Why the hell is the female restroom dirtier than the male restroom? Anyone, anyone?! I experienced what can only be the regression of human to primate form as shit had been slung all over the walls of one of the stalls forcing the maintenance to eventually bag off this entire stall for no one to use. How does this shit happen?

Besides the restrooms I had a kick ass time and to prove it, here are some photos for you to enjoy.

Route 46 (Special Brunches)

I attended, for Easter, a brunch at the new Route 46 restaurant in Sanford, FL with my Mother and Grandmother. I have to say, as far as brunches go, this one was pretty nice. My only complaint is that they made you walk a mile out of your way, through what can only be described as an old fashioned, swinging saloon door to get to the buffet itself and then walk a mile back. I suppose I shouldn't complain since that helped me walk the weight off that I had just inhaled on my third helping.

They had various assortments of food, all delicious and not a one I can complain about. The champagne was flowing...which totally helped my review to be more positive, and the waitress was on top of her game...for the most part.

Overall I would say I give this place a couple of thumbs up. They are having a Mother's Day Brunch in a couple of weekends that I would definitely recommend, if you have a mother that is. If not, grab some bum off the side of the road and treat her to brunch. You can call it your "good deed of the day."

Fast and Furious

I have seen this movie twice now and, while I do feel it is a great movie (I mean let's face it...Vin Diesel's in it), I cannot seem to get past how far fetched some of the scenes are. It is definitely nothing like the original in anyway and if you were into that movie for the racing/hooked up Civics, you may be a little let down.

This movie focused more on the muscle car, no complaints here. I suppose this was to accent Mr. Diesel himself, who, at one point, acts almost as if he forgot he wasn't on the set of the Terminator when getting shot in the movie. There were also highly unbelievable stunts, actions that made you think the characters might be a little brain dead now from too many gas fumes, and a really bad actress with a diet problem. But once you get around all of that you actually have a pretty entertaining movie on your hands.

There was also a major amount of Spanish Reggeaton music throughout the movie. You'll know what I mean as soon as the title appears on the screen, it only keeps going from there. If you're a fan then you'll love it, if you're may take a bit of an adjustment period.

On my meter I would say I give this movie 3.5 stars. I was on the edge of my seat and felt by the end of it I had not wasted my money on the price of an outrageously expensive ticket (Who designates these prices anyway?). So if you're bored, have some extra cash you wanna unload, and are looking for a night at the movies, check this one out. Whether it's the cars, chicks, reggeaton music, or VD, this movie is sure to entertain.

One can only wonder what they will call the next one...

George's Music Guitar Lessons

I must say, it takes a certain kind of person to have the patience to deal with me. I have found that exact patience for sure at George's Music on I-Drive in Orlando, FL. Jason is my instructor, and friend (if I may call him that) as well as the bassist of Rabbits With Glasses, and he is a great teacher. Not only can he remain calm and humor me when I sound like I'm suffering from dyslexia on the strings but he has gotten me through the beginning of my first song: Brown Eyed Girl.

If you're gonna take music lessons this is definitely the place to go and if you're gonna take guitar lessons he is definitely the instructor you want. Take it from me, I'm a pain in the ass.

Beyond lessons the store is filled with informative staff who know their stuff. Most seem to be in bands themselves from what I have found, one of which I attended a CD Release Party for last Saturday night, at the Plaza Theater on Bumby, another good find. Overall the place is fantastic and in a location you can't miss, you can see it from I-4! I'll give you a hint: It's the building with all the guitar heads coming out of it.

Once I get this song down, and I will before my next lesson, I think I'll try to persuade him to teach me some 30 Seconds to Mars. ;)