Monday, April 27, 2009

Fast and Furious

I have seen this movie twice now and, while I do feel it is a great movie (I mean let's face it...Vin Diesel's in it), I cannot seem to get past how far fetched some of the scenes are. It is definitely nothing like the original in anyway and if you were into that movie for the racing/hooked up Civics, you may be a little let down.

This movie focused more on the muscle car, no complaints here. I suppose this was to accent Mr. Diesel himself, who, at one point, acts almost as if he forgot he wasn't on the set of the Terminator when getting shot in the movie. There were also highly unbelievable stunts, actions that made you think the characters might be a little brain dead now from too many gas fumes, and a really bad actress with a diet problem. But once you get around all of that you actually have a pretty entertaining movie on your hands.

There was also a major amount of Spanish Reggeaton music throughout the movie. You'll know what I mean as soon as the title appears on the screen, it only keeps going from there. If you're a fan then you'll love it, if you're may take a bit of an adjustment period.

On my meter I would say I give this movie 3.5 stars. I was on the edge of my seat and felt by the end of it I had not wasted my money on the price of an outrageously expensive ticket (Who designates these prices anyway?). So if you're bored, have some extra cash you wanna unload, and are looking for a night at the movies, check this one out. Whether it's the cars, chicks, reggeaton music, or VD, this movie is sure to entertain.

One can only wonder what they will call the next one...

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