Monday, April 27, 2009

Route 46 (Special Brunches)

I attended, for Easter, a brunch at the new Route 46 restaurant in Sanford, FL with my Mother and Grandmother. I have to say, as far as brunches go, this one was pretty nice. My only complaint is that they made you walk a mile out of your way, through what can only be described as an old fashioned, swinging saloon door to get to the buffet itself and then walk a mile back. I suppose I shouldn't complain since that helped me walk the weight off that I had just inhaled on my third helping.

They had various assortments of food, all delicious and not a one I can complain about. The champagne was flowing...which totally helped my review to be more positive, and the waitress was on top of her game...for the most part.

Overall I would say I give this place a couple of thumbs up. They are having a Mother's Day Brunch in a couple of weekends that I would definitely recommend, if you have a mother that is. If not, grab some bum off the side of the road and treat her to brunch. You can call it your "good deed of the day."

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