Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Beginning

This blog is to serve as a review board of the many things that either excite or aggravate me as a bunny. That's right, I said bunny. If you know me at all, and I hope that you will get to know me over the course of my writings here, you will know that I am obsessed with all things bunny.

But enough on that. I won't be stressing too much on the rabbit aspect of life, but rather, music, films, local events, food, etc. Feel free to comment at any time. If I piss you off...oh well. If I make you happy...great. The point of this blog is not to offend (although I may hit the nail on the head with that one a few times) but rather to share a bit of knowledge I acquire here and there.

So sit back...relax...and enjoy my blog.


Preview of Blogs to come over the weekend:
  • Route 46 (Easter Brunch, Sanford, FL)
  • George's Music (Guitar Lessons, Orlando, FL)
  • Tentative: Observe and Report (Movie)

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